We held our first ever MacMillan Coffee morning on Thursday 10th September
and were astonished to have raised £451.00.
Firstly, I wanted to really express my sincere thanks to all those who donated cakes,
visited us here at our funeral home and supported this worthy cause. Secondly, the
support of the local Garstang Businesses who so kindly donated such wonderful gifts
for raffle prizes was touching. To have the support of the Town and the local businesses
means so much to us and gave a true community feel to supporting this charity.
Thank you.
I want to thank personally:
Baked By Thea,
Mark Flaherty,
Best Wishes Card Shop,
Frances Leighton,
Artroom Gallery Garstang,
Mrs. G’s Cakes & Bakes,
Louisa John Salon,
The Smelly Bakery,
Nicksons Homewares,
Steve’s Cheese Larder,
Creative Thread Sewing Shop,
Flow Beauty Salon,
Bombshell Betty Boutique,
The Flower Shop by Morgan,
Crimpers Hair Salon,
Highest Point Music Festival,
Sandra Perkins,
Lara Little’s Flowers,
Mick & Angela Laws.
I really hope we can make this an annual event and really push things on next year and
hopefully more than double the amount. It would be great to raise £1000 in 2021.
Many Thanks
Greg Hodgkinson – Garstang Funeral Home